Size of excel

When using the Excel.Save Method (String, FileFormatType, SaveType, HttpResponse) is there a way to find out the size of the excel before sending to the client?



We don't provide the size property before saving because we are continously add new features to Aspose.Cells. It's hard to track the size.

You can try this workaround:

1. Save the file to a stream then get the size

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();

excel.Save(stream, FileFormatType.Default);

int size = stream.Length;

2. Send the file to client with the following code:

byte[] data = stream.ToArray();

this.Response.ContentType = "application/xls";
Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition","inline; filename=book1.xls"); // OpenInBrowser

//Response.AddHeader( "content-disposition","attachment; filename=book1.xls"); // OpenInExcel

Thanks for workaround!
