slide.getNotes() is always null


I’m trying to extract the notes from a slide which has been cloned out of a presentation and written to another presentation, but Slide.getNotes() always returns null. What should I do to be able to extract notes from cloned slides?

Here’s how I clone slides:

private static Presentation cloneSlideToNewPresentation(Presentation from, int slidePosition) throws IOException, PptEditException {
final Presentation newPres = new Presentation();
newPres.getSlides().getLastSlidePosition() + 1,
new TreeMap());
return newPres;
Thank you

Hi Daniel,

It seems that Notes Page associated with a slide is not cloned on cloning the slide. An issue with issue id 12532 has been created and this thread has been associated with the issue. You will be informed as soon as it is resolved.

Hi Daniel,

It is not possible to clone notes page associated with a slide by PPT documentation. You will have to write additional lines of code while cloning the source slide as illustrated by the below example:

// Copy Notes to the new created slide.
if (srcSlide.Notes != null)
for (int j = 0; j < srcSlide.Notes.Paragraphs.Count; j++)
sl.Notes.Paragraphs.Add(new Paragraph(srcSlide.Notes.Paragraphs[j]));