Slide Layout Background Is Not Applied in the PPTX to ODP Converted File

Team, We are converting the pptx file into odp. After conversion, in the converted odp file the layout background is not applied from the source pptx file.

Our sample code is

InputStream is = new FileInputStream(pptxFilePath);
Presentation presentation = new Presentation(is);, SaveFormat.Odp);  

JDK version : 11.0.19
OS version : CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611
Aspose slides jar : aspose-slides-23.9-jdk16.jar

Attached the pptx file, converted odp file. kindly check this and help us to resolve.
Layout Background Issue .zip (150.7 KB)

Thank you for contacting support.

I compared the PPTX and ODP files you provided in PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress and found that the background is applied to the slide but the font and turquoise line are changed. compare.jpg (103.6 KB). Could you kindly confirm that this is the same problem you are talking about?

@andrey.potapov Thanks for your quick reply.

I have opened the odp file in MS powerpoint office 365. In that layout background is not applied. Kindly refer the attached screenshot.
Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 5.03.30 PM.jpg (149.5 KB) In libreoffice viewer the background has been properly applied but as mentioned text has been changed.

Thank you for the additional information. I reproduced the problem you described.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SLIDESJAVA-39430

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

@andrey.potapov Is any update on this ticket?.

Where should i get the status of this SLIDESJAVA-39430 ticket id such as fixed , on progress , open , not possible like that?.

A fix for the problem you found is under review. We expect the fix to be included in Aspose.Slides for Java 24.5. This release will be published in the second half of May. Thank you for your patience.

You can see the issue’s status at the bottom of this forum thread.