slideEx.getThumbnail does not render images

I have almost finished converting my script that generated Powerpoint 2003 files to generate Powerpoint 2007. When I save the file (presentationex.write) the slide appears exactly as it should. When I generate a thumbnail the images do not appear correctly. I am generating a thumbnail and then displaying that on the web. There should be two images pulled from a file, and in each case the shape is put in the right spot, but it is filled with green instead of showing the image.

At first, I had an issue with the saved file, that each image would be enclosed in a green box. I added

pshp.LineFormat.Width = Convert.ToDouble(0.0)

pshp.LineFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillTypeEx.NoFill

This removed the green box from around the images in the saved file but did not effect the thumbnail.

Code snippet:

(pass in pres as PresentationEx)

Dim slide As Slideex

slide = pres.Slides(0)

'populate image

Dim pidx As Integer = slide.Shapes.AddAutoShape(ShapeTypeEx.Rectangle, 535, 61, 194, 104)

Dim pshp As ShapeEx = slide.Shapes(pidx)

pshp.FillFormat.FillType = FillTypeEx.Picture

pshp.FillFormat.PictureFillFormat.PictureFillMode = PictureFillModeEx.Stretch

pshp.LineFormat.Width = Convert.ToDouble(0.0)

pshp.LineFormat.FillFormat.FillType = FillTypeEx.NoFill

resizeImage(projectid, 1549, 910)

Dim pic2 As System.Drawing.Image = CType(New Bitmap(AppSettings("exportLocation") + "imgtest.jpg"), Image)

Dim ProjectPic As ImageEx = pres.Images.AddImage(pic2)

pshp.FillFormat.PictureFillFormat.Picture.Image = ProjectPic

'Getting Thumbnail

Dim image As System.Drawing.Image

image = slide.GetThumbnail(1.0F, 1.0F)

'Initializing Memory Stream

Dim ImageMs As System.IO.MemoryStream

ImageMs = New System.IO.MemoryStream()

'Saving image to memory stream

image.Save(ImageMs, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

ImageMs.Position = 0

'Intializing buffer

Dim pBuffer(ImageMs.Length) As Byte

'Memory stream to buffer

ImageMs.Read(pBuffer, 0, ImageMs.Length)

'write the image to the output stream

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

Response.OutputStream.Write(pBuffer, 0, pBuffer.Length)


I appreciate any help with this.

Hi Karen,

I have tried to understand the issue shared by you. However, in order to properly investigate and understand the issue specified, I may request the project code along with the source presentation for better understanding and quick resolution of issue. Please share the requested data for further inquiry.

Thanks and Regards,