Slow import


We currently export a file through ASPOSE .tasks verson into a xml file which is then imported into MSP. However, when we attemt to import the mpp file back into our proprietary software it takes seveal minutes to do so. It also appears that a field has been eliminated, becasue it no longer exists when we import the mpp file. Will the upgraded version, version 6.4, correct these problems?



Hi Kevin,

Kevin Murphy:

We currently export a file through ASPOSE .tasks verson 6.3.0 into a xml file which is then imported into MSP. However, when we attempt to import the mpp file back into our proprietary software, it takes several minutes to do so. It also appears that a field has been eliminated, because it no longer exists when we import the mpp file.

Can you please share the sample XML file and the steps to reproduce the issue at our end? Please use the latest version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET 6.5.0 to test this issue and share the findings with us along with the missing field information.