Slow load of Report names from Excel Tool

When using Apose.Cell in Excel to edit a report, it takes a very long time to for the dialogue to populate the tree with the list of reports. Is there anyway this can be sped up?

Is there any possibility that the control / function could incrementally load definitions, as you explore the server, to avoid loading all of the names at once?


Could you post
your report definition file here. We will
check it ASAP.

Thank you.

I think you misunderstood. It’s not the loading of the individual file / RDL, rather is the loading of the whole “directory” of reports.

You have to assume there will be hundreds of directories and thousands of reports stored in Report Server (not a simple dozen or so), and incrementally load the tree.


Could you elaborate on providing means or functions to incrementally load report definition files, Also provide information which UI dialogs/ forms of Aspose.Cells for RS Client Add-ins (designer tool of MS Excel) you are talking about, give us details on what sequence it should be incremented for combos to be filled the data in the dialogs (you may attach some screen shots accordingly etc.). Also, give details on how much slow do you find it to get the datasets and fields when you load an RDL file using the Aspose.Cells for RS designer tool. We will check it and may log a ticket into our database if we could do something for it.

Thank you.