Smart Layer and smart filters

I have a smart layer, it contains text. When I change it, the smart filters that are on the smart object are reset and do not work.
Gaussian Blur

When I try to read these filters, Unknown writes to me. Is it possible to somehow save these filters without resetting them?

@fortrane at this moment Aspose.PSD supports only Gaussian Blur Filter Rendering. We worked on the ability to use custom and unknown filters, but we postponed this task to 22.1 - 22.2 please be patient. You can track this issue by the following IDs:

  1. PSDNET-1057. Create an example of adding custom smart filters that are not supported in Aspose.PSD
  2. PSDNET-1070. Create UnknownSmartFilter class to give the ability to edit data in not implemented filters and to add custom drawers.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PSDNET-1057) have been fixed in this update. This message was posted using Bugs notification tool by Yaroslav.Lisovskyi