I would like to know if is it possible to use a smart marker in the name of the sheet (or tab)?
If yes do we just put the smart marker in sheet name or is there anything different to be done?
This is not supported. Generally, when smart markers are processed, multiple records are filled into the cells, so how could you justify this? I mean if a Smart Marker could be used in place of sheet’ name or tab’s name, so when there are multiple records (rows and columns) against the markers, how could these will be pasted for tab’s name. Also, there are certain restrictions for specific chars as we cannot use them when naming a sheet.
I would expect program to pick first entry from datasource and use the corresponding value.
I think this is a pretty nifty feature and will come in very handy to bind a sheet name to a given datasource. If would save a step of users coding separately to rename a sheet.
Any chance of implementing the feature?
We might not support it as this is a kind of custom oriented with certain rules to be followed (“pick first entry from data source…”). You may try to simply use some temporary marker(s) in some cells for the purpose, so once you rename the sheet(s) in accordance with markers’ value(s), then you may remove those markers data into those cells in code by yourselves.