Smart markers undocumented group parameters

I have been trying to put together a data populated worksheet of moderate complexity.

Originally I didn't think what I had wanted to do was even possible using the Smart Markers. However in searching other posts I came across certain grouping parameters for the SubtotalN function especially (namely LABEL and LABELPOSITION) that helped me put together more detailed grouping results. These parameters are not even mentioned in the one page related to Smart Markers in the documentation.

Are parameters like this described anywhere in the documentation available online? If not, can these and any other previously undocumented parameters be added to the documentation? Thank you.

Example: subtotal9:Report.Region_Name(label:"Subtotals for region {0}",labelposition:0)&Report.Country_Name(label:"Subtotals for country {0}",labelposition:0)


Thanks for pointing it out.

Yes, these parameters (for custom labels ) are not documented. We will add a sub-topic on how to add custom labels in Subtotals row(s) with the description text and example code to the Smart Markers page in the Docs soon.

Once it is done, we will let you know here.

Thank you.


We have added a new document/article based on the feature (of Smart Markers) now:

I have also added reference to the above article in the main document too:
(Please see the note under “Grouping Data” sub-heading)

Thank you.