So how to do these in Grid.Net?

Hi, all, i have some questions for u (im using WebGrid) :

How to
- to disable the rightclick menu

- to enable resizing column width when HeaderBar disabled
- to hide some columns(fields) from DataView before displaying (possible to change Header Text)
- to add different controls in cells when DataBinding (for ex, to display a CheckBox when = 1 or 0, or to display a DropDownList in one cell)
- to change the format of columns when displaying

thank u


- to disable the rightclick menu

You can't disable the menu, but you can disable its menu items. Try to set these properties of GridWeb to false:

- to enable resizing column width when HeaderBar disabled

Not supported by far.
- to hide some columns(fields) from DataView before displaying (possible to change Header Text)

Please tell me more details about your request. I guest that you may set a column width to zero to hide it.
- to add different controls in cells when DataBinding (for ex, to display a CheckBox when = 1 or 0, or to display a DropDownList in one cell)

This control supports dropdownlist, but does not support databinding to a datasource by far. We are working at this feature and will release a new version that supports binding datatable within one month.

- to change the format of columns when displaying

Please describe in details.

Thank you.

Thanks to ur response.

for hiding some columns, for ex, in DataGrid, we can set un column as a hidden column (a ID column need not to be displayed), but we can get those ID values by giving ID.

for custom the format of value in one column, for ex, when databinding, we can specify one column of float as a format “Decimal 2”, same to a column Datetime.

thats all, thanks a lot.


This control doesn't meet your request yet. We are now working at the full DataBinding feature. We will soon release a new version. In the new version, the sheet can be bind to a DataTable object. You can set the bound column's Style, Format and Visibility. You will get the new version within one month. But with the current version, you have to set these things manually.

Thank you.

ok, that sounds great, we are going to wait for it then.

have a good day,
