Some content is lost when converting Excel to PDF

Some content is lost when converting Excel to PDF.

void Main()
	var workbook = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\39d6905354a845a5a72a33aea6a3086b.xlsx");

	var so = new Aspose.Cells.PdfSaveOptions();
	so.OnePagePerSheet = false;
	workbook.Save(@"C:\Users\54390\Downloads\output.pdf", so);

Version info:

Aspose.Cells for Net 23.8

The demo file (30.1 KB)

The output file

output.pdf (25.2 KB)

There is print area setting : A1:AC21, so there is only one page when exporting to pdf.
1,please remove print area setting,
In MS Excel, Page Layout --》Print Titles-》Print Area
With Aspose.Cells, please use Worksheet.PageSetup.PageSetup.PrintArea = null;
2, But from your file, you prefer to print discontinuous intervals.
So you can link all areas with commas,please try Worksheet.PageSetup.PageSetup.PrintArea =“A1:AC21,A25:AC45”