Some foreign characters are not rendered while transforming an excel worksheet into PDF


I am using Aspose Cells for Java for converting an excel workbook to PDF. I could see that some foreign characters are not rendered properly in the output PDF. see the attachment(Foreign Characters not rendered.jpg)

I am attaching the source excel workbook and the target PDF output.

Thanks & Regards,
Thirumurthy R


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for Java.

Please set the font directory using the following code.Please
place the line at the beginning of your code before creating a workbook.

CellsHelper.setFontDir(“c:\windows\fonts”); //change the path to your font directory.

In case of Linux, use the directory path according to Linux syntax. e.g


We have tested your issue with the latest version: Aspose.Cells for Java v7.5.0.3 and it generates correct pdf. I have attached the output pdf for your reference.

Hi Faiz,

Thanks for your quick reply.

I have added the change you mentioned above and It didn’t work.

Could you please let us know that Does it require any special font to be installed on the machine where I am running this code ? actually I am using “windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise” windows edition.

In which machine have you tested it ? Is it the same as what I am using ?

I have also tested this behavior in my windows 7 enterprise Edition. It seems its able to render the foreign character successfully with/without adding the change you mentioned above.

Thanks & Regards,
Thirumurthy R


Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells for Java.

It seems some fonts are missing in your machines which are present in windows 7 enterprise Edition machine. Please check these fonts and install them in your other machines too.