we are using aspose email when the attached eml file
is converted to PDF, we see that Some hyperlinks have not preserved hyperlink color (blue) in the intermediate mhtml file.
Please find the attachment and screenshots.
Thanks & Regards,
Thirumurthy R
Hi Thirumurthy,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
After an initial investigation, I was able to observe this issue. Actually, the hyperlinks are not preserved during the conversion to MHTML, due to which the hyperlinks CSS is not applied to this text. I have logged this issue in our bug tracking system under issue id: NETWRKJAVA-33300 for further consideration by the development team. You’ll be notified automatically once there is a fix version available for this issue.
Can you please move this to Enterprise Support under my account.
Hi Ajesh,
We are sorry for not updating you about the status of this issue.
We investigated this issue at our end and found that in your sample EML file’s HtmlBody, the tag is missing for these hyperlinks. Aspose.Email doesn’t modify the html body of the message and, hence, these are not considered as hyperlinks. Due to this reason, the blue color for these is not shown.