Some problems about aspose cell for Java


I use the aspose cell for java 2.4.0 now ,and there's some functions can't realized. So I want to know whether the newest version could support the following functions or not?

1.How could I get the theme color of the excel?

2.I add a watermark in the document,but when I export a Excel2007 file, the watermark is not exist? Does the newest version fixed this bug?

3.How could I set the step length of the chart?

4.How could I set the gradient color of the chart's background?

5.How could I set the color of a specifical series point?

6.I set the transparency for the document,but when I export a Excel2007 file, there's no effect?Does the newest version fixed this bug?


Best Regards,



Well, it works fine with the latest version v7.0.2, if you find any issue, we are bound to fix the issue:

we have ported Java version from .NET, so now it matches with the .NET version regarding features and performance. We have to change the API model to match with .NET version. So, you might need to change your existing code segments accordingly.

For 2) and 6), Please try the latest fix: v7.0.2.5, if it works fine.

1) You may use Workbook.getThemeColor/setThemeColor() method to get/set theme colors for the workbook.

3) See the sample code below:
chart.getChartObject().setWidth( 400 );
chart.getChartObject().setHeight( 300 );
4) Please use FillFormat API to set one or two color gradients, see the sample code below:
//Filling the area of the 2nd NSeries with a gradient 
chart.getNSeries().get(1).getArea().getFillFormat().setOneColorGradient(Color.getLime(), 1, GradientStyleType.HORIZONTAL, 1);
5) You may use ChartPoint APIs, e.g…,
//Setting the foreground color of the area of the 1st NSeries point