Spaces lost when extracting text from pdf

when extracting text from the attached pdf file in Pure mode, some spaces disappear … :
“RueduClosThomas” instead of “Rue du Clos Thomas” in the original pdf.

When extracting in Raw mode, the problem doesn’t occur.

attached are the pdf file, the c# program and the extracted text file. (127.9 KB)


Thank you for contacting support.

I would like to share with you that, TextFormattingMode.Pure mode represents PDF content with a bit of formatting routines. Whereas, TextFormattingMode.Raw mode represents PDF content as is, i.e. without formatting. So if you want to see the content in its as-is form then you may use TextFormattingMode.Raw mode to avoid any problems in your environment.

I hope this will be helpful. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.