Split and Save One PowerPoint Presentation into Multiple HTML Documents in Java

I want to split and save one PPT into multiple HTML. If I set up a section in PPT, can the section be recognized in the converted HTML? When sections are divided in HTML, I want to create separate HTML files for each section. Is there anyone who can help?

Thank you for posting the question.

You can use Presentation.getSections(), ISection.getSlidesListOfSection(), ISlide.getSlideNumber(), and Presentation.save(String, int[], int) methods to split and save presentation slides from sections into different HTML files as follows:

var inputFilePath = "sample.pptx";
var outputFilePathTemplate = "%s.html";

var presentation = new Presentation(inputFilePath);

for (var section : presentation.getSections()) {
    var sectionSlides = section.getSlidesListOfSection();

    if (sectionSlides.size() == 0) continue;

    var i = 0;
    var slideNumbers = new int[sectionSlides.size()];
    for (var slide : sectionSlides) {
        slideNumbers[i++] = slide.getSlideNumber();

    var outputFilePath = String.format(outputFilePathTemplate, section.getName());
    presentation.save(outputFilePath, slideNumbers, SaveFormat.Html);


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