SplitToPages performance degrades with page count

There is an exponential performance hit related to the page count.
For a 500 pages PDF it can take 5 hrs to split using the standard code that preserves accessibility information:

PdfFileEditor pdfEditor = new PdfFileEditor();

    pdfEditor.splitToPages(dataDir+"SB 1-accessible.pdf",
            dataDir+ "output_page_%NUM%_version_.pdf");

Also the memory usage is high.

Please attach the document used in the attached code snippet so that we can reproduce and investigate the problem.

Hi sergei,
I am not allowed to upload the PDF as its customer material.

But every PDF shows this behavior.

You can use your internal material - it just needs enough pages.


This is often said, but it also often turns out that the problem manifests itself with a specific document. Maybe you can still attach some other (external) document that shows the problem.

Hello Sergei,

I have send a link in a private message.

Thank you.
I downloaded the provided document and will create investigation task for the development team.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): PDFJAVA-44136

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