I need to stamp an image to pdf. Currently the mouse coordinates is using for this (code attached). But the image is not placing on the proper place of pdf. Appreciate, if anyone help for this.
image.png (45.1 KB)
Expected Pdf screenshot
image.png (32.7 KB)
Aspose generated pdf screen shot
image.png (38.4 KB)
If possible, can you please share your sample PDF with us as well so that we can further investigate the issue.
Hi Asad,
Please find the attached image and pdf used for the testing.
AnnotationSourceDocument 1.pdf (214.2 KB)
MicrosoftTeams-image.png (19.8 KB)
One more thing, how you are calculating the mouse coordinates? Are you capturing them using web application? What is the process to capture these values?
Hi Asad,
The mouse coordinates are capturing from the web application. See the logic for the capturing values.
let x = this.mouse.x - this.canvasOverlay.nativeElement.offsetLeft;
let y = this.mouse.y - this.canvasOverlay.nativeElement.offsetTop;
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