Start Appending text from textcolumn -2

I am copying text from one word document to another word document in specific format with multi text column.

Is there a way where I can copy data from specific textcolumn.

Ex : I should be able to read data from word and start copying data to 2nd textcolumn of target do instead of 1st one


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From Documents:

Source.Doc is the word which I need to append With “Target.Doc” and get outpur in PDf. Actual_Respose.pdf is output and one I need is "“Required Response.”.
So my doubt is I need to append text from Page 1 text column 2.


Thanks for sharing the detail. In your case, we suggest you please insert the column break after the first column. Please move the cursor to the desired location and insert the column break using DocumentBuilder.InsertBreak(BreakType.ColumnBreak).