Starting document at page 2

We get Word .doc files that have a fax cover page stripped off before we get the file. So all of our .doc files have a first page of 2, second page of 3, etc.

If I use Word to save as an ODT file and look at Contents.xml, I see this is tracked by the first style:

style:paragraph-properties style:page-number=“2”

I’ve been poking around the Document structure, but don’t see anything that corresponds to this. I get the correct number of pages, but LayoutCollector starts at 1.

Please tell me how to detect when a page number doesn’t start at 1.

I found my own answer to this: Under Section.PageSetup is a field called PageStartingNumber that fulfills this function. It is set to 2 for my sample document.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your inquiry. It is great you were able to find what you were looking for. Please let us know any time you have any further queries.

Best regards,