Storage not compatible with Digital Ocean's Spaces Object Storage

I am having trouble creating storage for my application. I figured that since Digital Ocean Spaces is S3 compatible I would be able to set it up as an Amazon s3 storage on Aspose, but when I try to verify I keep getting errors.

I’ve used the generated keys and secret from Digital Ocean and use the right bucket name and I’m still having no luck.

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Does anybody have any insight on this, if this is even possible?

Let me know if I need to reformat my question or move this to another category.


Setting up Digital Ocean Spaces as an Amazon S3 storage on Aspose can be a bit tricky. The issue might be due to configuration problems or incorrect credentials. Anyways, we will evaluate your issue further and get back to you.


Could you please elaborate on Digital Ocean and provide more details about it? Also, which Aspose API/product are you using or do you want to utilize? Could you please provide us with a use-case and samples to reproduce the issue on our end? We will evaluate and then assist you soon.

DigitalOcean they provides a service that states it’s s3 compatible. This is called spaces object storage.

On Aspose’s side I have created an app and an associated external storage, specifically an Amazon s3 storage. I am using an HTML2PDF converter api to convert a test html file and was planning on having it save in a bucket in our spaces object storage.

The use case is just being able to convert html files to pdf and saving said file to our own storage.

To reproduce the issue you’d need to have a digital ocean account, set up spaces object storage by creating a spaced bucket and obtain an API key for said storage. Then on Aspose, upon creating an app you’d set up external storage to it, specifically Amazon S3 storage. From there you’d enter the storage name, bucket name and the client ID and secret you’ve obtained from digital ocean.

Hope this answers your questions.

Which specific Aspose API you are using for HTML to PDF task/conversion. Do you use on-premise SDK/library (e.g., Aspose.Words, Aspose.PDF, Aspose.HTML, etc.)? Or you are using Aspose for Cloud API? In case, you are using on-premise API (Aspose.Words), the following topic will help you on integration with Amazon services.