I use aspose cell component version Could you please explain me the logic of work for property ‘AutoShowCount’?
A have two files with filter ‘Top 10…’ equal 2 by rows. In one this property has value 2, in another - 10 (default). The filter works properly in both documents.
I’ve attached documents.
Thanks for your support,
Alex Shloma
The previous problem was fixed, but I found the same problem with *.xls format. I convert one of the documents to *.xls and It has filter 10 instead of 2.
Thank you,
Alex Shloma
In new Excel the algorithm was changed, but the option works in the same way.
In the current version, Excel automatically changes state When you applying new settings to filter. Excel has two menu items with state (on/off). You can see it at the attached image (menuItemsWithState.png). So it’s not relevant to the current issue.
I converted document from *.xlsx to *.xls format and result has the same filter, but in components it’s equal 10. You can see it at the attached image (topCountAfterConversion.png).
I attached a document with the problem too.
Thank you,
Alex Shloma
Works fine! Thank you!
Best regards,
Alex Shloma
The issues you have found earlier (filed as CELLSNET-40098) have been fixed in this update.
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