Stream closes when using SaveToPDF in presentation class

When running the following code

using (MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream())





The stream is closed in the SaveToPdf method. What results in an exception on the line outputStream.WriteTo(ouput). This is not how I expect it to work. The stream should be left open, otherwise I can not read it. This solution requires me to use a tempory file on disk for converting a stream to pdf what I rather not do.

Is there a solution for this problem?

Please check attached version of Aspose.Slides.
It doesn’t close stream anymore.

Thanx. That version works as expected.

I however still have some comments about slides. The size of the pdf tends to get very big. When I upload the ppt file attached to this issue (808KB) the resulting pdf had a size of 4MB. This is a little big if you ask me, especially because the pdf contains animations and sound that can be skipped.

Furthermore I miss conversions from the pptx extension to pdf. When are these features planed?

Pptx rendering and conversion to pdf are in our plans of course but not in the nearest future.
It can’t be implemented until full reading of pptx files will be ready.

Yes, pdf is too large for such small presentation. In the next version size of PDF
will be significantly reduced by reusing images.