Hello team,
I have converted PQ3758.docx to Images with Aspose.Words however I got 1 error…
PQ3758.zip (12.2 KB)
1.jpg (25.4 KB)
- Strikethrough has changed underline.
I have also attached PQ3758SaveAsPdfByWord.pdf which is a pdf MS WORD outputs correctly as a reference.
PQ3758SaveAsPdfByWord.pdf (143.2 KB)
This is my code.
public static List<string> ConvertWordToImage(string docName, MemoryStream docStream, Dictionary<string, string> config)
var pageInfoList = new List<string>();
string docRootDir = config["DocumentsFilePath"];
int dpi = int.Parse(config["ImageDPI"]);
int thumbMaxH = int.Parse(config["ThumbnailMaxHeight"]);
int thumbMaxW = int.Parse(config["ThumbnailMaxWidth"]);
int maxPageNum = int.Parse(config["DocumentMaxPageNum"]);
float readScale = float.Parse(config["ImageReadScale"]);
int readDpi = Convert.ToInt32(dpi * readScale);
// Create images directory
string pageImgDir = docRootDir;
if (!Directory.Exists(pageImgDir))
// Get the encoder of JPEG
ImageCodecInfo jpgEncoder = GetCodecInfo();
//EncoderParameters encParams = GetEncoderParams();
EncoderParameters encParams = GetEncoderParams(int.Parse(config["ImageJpegQuality"]));
// Instantiate the License class
Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();
// Convert .doc and .docx file to PDF.
Document document = new Document(docStream);
for (int i = 0; (i < document.PageCount) && (i < maxPageNum); i++)
var pageInfo = document.GetPageInfo(i);
Size pixelSize = pageInfo.GetSizeInPixels(1.0f, readDpi);
// Export image file
string imgFile = string.Format("{0}_{1:D8}.jpg",
Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(docName), i + 1);
string imgPath = Path.Combine(pageImgDir, imgFile);
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(pixelSize.Width, pixelSize.Height))
bitmap.SetResolution(dpi, dpi);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
document.RenderToScale(i, graphics, 0, 0, readScale);
bitmap.Save(imgPath, jpgEncoder, encParams);
// TODO Create OCR XML
// Add PageInfo List
// return results with flag of max page limit over
return pageInfoList;
They are parameters.
// Get config setting Create Appseting key value for async function
Dictionary<string, string> config = new Dictionary<string, string>();
config.Add("DocumentsFilePath", outDir);
config.Add("ImageDPI", "96");
config.Add("ImageReadScale", "1.25");
config.Add("ThumbnailMaxHeight", "252");
config.Add("ThumbnailMaxWidth", "210");
config.Add("ImageJpegQuality", "80");
config.Add("DocumentMaxPageNum", "1000");
Thank you,