I am appending to document with appendDocument function and importing with source formatting. In the resulted document I am facing some style issue ie, source document contains some title which is in heading _1 style guide. After appending to any document it converting to normal, because of this when I save it as pdf with heading_1 to convert as bookmark Its not happening. I am attaching the sample input document input.docx (55.0 KB), also attaching the ouput output.docx (13.3 KB) , add sample code AppendDocumentIssue.zip (586 Bytes).
Please help me to figure out the issue.
I have tried the above solution and it fixing the style guide issue. But my actual issue is with the pdf bookmarking that still not happening. I am saving the pdf with below pdf save option
PdfSaveOptions options = new PdfSaveOptions();
That happen because the Headding is inside a table, for the Headdings outside works fine.
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@Gptrnt The behavior is expected. Aspose.Words does not include heading paragraph from tables into the navigation panel. The behavior is the same as in MS Word. So the defect is closed as Not a Bug.
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