Style="display: none" and Export HTML to Excel

Is it possible not to display in Excel report elements from HTML with style = “display: none” (th, td, span)?


Thanks for your posting and considering Aspose.Cells.

Normally, Aspose.Cells exports the HTML to Excel, if it can be exported by Microsoft Excel. Please provide us your sample HTML which we could view in Web Browser. We will look into it how Microsoft Excel displays it and how Aspose.Cells converts it and help you asap.

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Thanks for your posting and using Aspose.Cells.

We have checked your html in Microsoft Excel 2013 and converted it to XLSX format using Aspose.Cells and found, Microsoft Excel and Aspose.Cells output does not match exactly. Please see the attached screenshot for your reference. Do you think, it is OK?

If you want, Aspose.Cells should exactly match with Microsoft Excel output, then we will log a bug for it in our database so that it could be fixed at the earliest. Let us know your feedback and have a good day.

The screenshot also tells that display none is neither supported by Microsoft Excel nor by Aspose.Cells.