Substitution Fonts like MS Word does (Options > Advanced > Font Substitution)

Hi Aspose Team,

I’d like to ask if there is a way to use font substitution that is already defined in document template?
I have .dot file that in Options => Advanced => Font Substitution have few fonts set, but when I open the document using Aspose.Words FontSettings object is null (regardles if I load the file directly or from stream). Is there a way to load settings from file?



Unfortunately, Aspose.Words does not provide this feature. Could you please ZIP and attach your input document that contains the font substitution? We will then provide you more information on it.


Further to my previous post, we have logged your requirement in our issue tracking system as WORDSNET-19720 . We will check the possibility of implementation of this feature and update you via this forum thread.


Please note that this information is not stored in the document. So, it cannot be controlled/processed by Aspose.Words.

You can use FontSettings class to specify font settings for a document. Aspose.Words uses font settings to resolve the fonts in the document. Fonts are resolved mostly when building document layout or rendering to fixed page formats. But when loading some formats, Aspose.Words also may require to resolve the fonts. For example, when loading HTML documents Aspose.Words may resolve the fonts to perform font fallback. So it is recommended that you set the font settings in LoadOptions when loading the document. Or at least before building the layout or rendering the document to the fixed-page format.