I noticed that it is possible to make formulas using builder->insertHtml("") using MathML tags
But firstly, not all MathML functionality is supported by rendering in Word, and secondly, it can be inconvenient - very bold lines with tags are obtained for formulas if you write them directly in the forehead.
I designed and created (completely my own development) my own “language” of formulas, which is visual, something like WYSIWYG and some of its elements correspond to hotkeys from Word when working with formulas. My parser uses antrl. it translates a string into a mathml formula with tags. Here are some examples of usage and what happens (in all these examples, an html string is generated using my parser, and this string is fed to the input of the builder->insertHtml function
docx::Document doc("D:\\TMP\\document");
doc.write(enter + "UnderOver formulas" + enter);
doc.setVar("A", 1);
doc.setVar("B", 2);
doc.writeFormula("#over[B][∑]= B + 250");
doc.writeFormula("#under[A][kek] = 150 + 150");
doc.writeFormula("T_[max.зим] = [#underover[∑][(i = 1)][24][S_[i] / t_[i]]] / S_[max] * T_[зим]");
doc.write(enter + "Enclose formulas" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# A = #enclose[top][B + 250]");
doc.writeFormula("# A = #enclose[bottom][B + 250]");
doc.writeFormula("# A = #enclose[left][B + 250]");
doc.write(enter + "Decorative non-calculate formulas" + enter);
doc.setVar("θ_[ННТ]", 1);
doc.write("температуры масла в верхних слоях ($$θ_[М]$$) и температуры обмотки ($$θ_[ННТ] = {θ_[ННТ]}$$)" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("A = 1 = 2= 3 = 4+5+1 * 2 = 1");
doc.writeFormula("B = 1 + + + 2 * * 2 = 1");
doc.write(enter + "Simple test" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# A = 2.5");
doc.writeFormula("# B = A + 2.5");
doc.writeFormula("# B = 2.6 - A");
doc.writeFormula("# B = 2,7 * A");
doc.writeFormula("# B = -1 / -5 * A");
doc.write(enter + "Spaces symbols ignore" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# B = 1");
doc.writeFormula("# B \t= 1");
doc.writeFormula("# B \n= 1");
doc.write(enter + "references" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# B_[a] = B^[2]");
doc.writeFormula("# B^^[b] = #sin[B_[a]] * #cos[3.14]");
doc.writeFormula("# B_[c] = {B_[a]} + B_[a]");
doc.write(enter + "top bottom Indexes" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# B^^[a]_[c] = 1 ");
doc.writeFormula("# #subsup[B][a][b] = 55");
doc.write(enter + "Тригонометрия" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# B = #tan[1] * #atan[1]");
doc.writeFormula("# B = #tan[1] / #atan[1]");
doc.writeFormula("# X = #sin[1]^[2] + 1");
doc.write(enter + "Braces and square braces, which only set priority" + enter);
doc.writeFormula("# C = A + B / X + 4");
doc.writeFormula("# C = (A + B) / C + X");
doc.writeFormula("# C = C + (X / B) + A");
doc.writeFormula("# C = B + A / (C + X)");
doc.writeFormula("# C = [A + B] / C + X");
doc.writeFormula("# C = C + [X / B] + A");
doc.writeFormula("# C = B + A / [C + X]");
doc.write(enter + "russians symbols (actually any of Unicode are supported)" + enter);
doc.setVar("Мама", 2);
doc.setVar("Папа", 3);
doc.setVar("Я", 1);
doc.writeFormula("# СчастливаяСемья = Мама + Папа + Я");
doc.write(enter + "Example from real life calculation" + enter);
doc.setVar("θ_[сез]", -15);
doc.setVar("ϑ_[м.нач]", 0);
doc.setVar("ϑ_[м.ном]", 55);
doc.setVar("ϑ_[ннт.м.ном]", 23);
doc.setVar("X", 0.8);
doc.setVar("Y", 1.6);
doc.setVar("τ", 3);
doc.setVar("e", 2.71828);
doc.setVar("d^^[′′]", 2);
doc.setVar("S_[ном]", 16);
doc.setVar("S_[нагр]", 20);
doc.setVar("t", 1);
doc.writeFormula("# K = S_[нагр] / S_[ном]");
doc.writeFormula("# ϑ_[м.уст] = ϑ_[м.ном] * ([1 + d^^[′′] * K^[2]] / [1 + d^^[′′]])^[X]");
doc.writeFormula("# ϑ_[ннт.м.уст] = ϑ_[ннт.м.ном] * K^[Y]");
doc.writeFormula("# ϑ_[м.t] = ϑ_[м.уст] + (ϑ_[м.нач] - ϑ_[м.уст]) * e^[-[t/τ]]");
doc.writeFormula("# θ_[м.t] = ϑ_[м.t] + θ_[сез]");
doc.writeFormula("# θ_[ннт.t] = θ_[м.t] + ϑ_[ннт.м.уст]");
document.docx (20.8 KB)
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