Superscript in the same worksheet cell with normal text is not shown properly in EMF


We are facing the issue where some cells in the workbook that contain a mix of regular font and the same font in superscript, are not shown properly when exported to EMF image.

This behavior can be seen in the Aspose Cells for Java version 24.4
(also tried latest 24.8),
the attached SuperscriptText.xlsx file, and the attached simple Java code.

Environment Details:
Aspose Cells for Java 24.4 (also tried with latest version 24.8)
Aspose Cells for Java 21.3 (for second run)
Java version 1.8.0_411b09
Windows 11 OS (but also reproducible under Linux).

File description in the attachment contains:

  • Small java test to illustrate the issue;
  • SuperscriptText.xlsx: Excel workbook to be used by the sample code;
  • SuperscriptText.xlsx_Export_Rng_Cells24.4.0.emf: Image output file produced from the sample under Aspose Cells 24.4.
  • SuperscriptText.xlsx_Export_Rng_Cells24.6.0.emf: Image output file produced from the sample under Aspose Cells 24.8.
  • SuperscriptText.xlsx_Export_Rng_Cells24.2.0.png: Image output in PNG format produced from the sample under Aspose Cells 24.2 - note that PNG image displayed superscript number properly.

Can you please take a look and let us know if there is any workaround.
Thank you. (26.9 KB)

By using sample file and code for testing on the latest version v248, we can reproduce the issue. Found that superscript in the same worksheet cell with normal text is not shown properly when exporting file to EMF.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSJAVA-46089

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Just to let you know that exporting the same named range to PNG format shows superscript numbers properly as expected. So we can use it as a temporary workaround.
Thank you.


We appreciate you sharing your findings. While we investigate the issue you encountered when exporting to the EMF file format, you may use this as a temporary solution. Once we have an update on your original issue, we will provide it to you.

Hello team,
Any update on this issue?
Thank you.


We apologize, but your issue has not been addressed yet due to other pressing tasks. We will check if we can provide you with an estimated time of completion or the latest updates on the issue. We will get back to you with new updates on your issue soon.