Support for getting resolution for zero DPI Image using Aspose.Imaging for .NET


I have a tiff image which has 0(Zero) DPI.I have below questions regarding this,
How to get resolution for this Zero resolution(DPI) image?
What will be the default resolution that i can use for this image?
How to get resolution based on image height and width?

Please help on this.Any help would be appreciated.

Vijayashree R


I have tried understanding the issue on my end and have not been able to completely understand the issue on my end. Can you please share the details of the issue along with source image for which you need to get the information.

Hi Mudassir,

We are manipulating the images based on image DPI value. We have received sample image which shows the DPI value for that image is 0. As per our understanding each image should have some DPI value. If our understanding is correct that image also should have some DPI values, but due to some issue that image property shows DPI values as 0.

So here we expect some logic or way to get that image actual DPI value?
Or if we use any default DPI (e.g. 300DPI) for image manipulation, the endorsed text is not matching with the image. So we need to know if we apply default DPI, then is it necessary to rescale the image?. If yes please share me the logic to rescale the image based on default DPI.

Vijayashree R


I have discussed the issue with our product team and in order to investigate the issue further on our end, we need source image with DPI 0 and used sample code. We shall investigate this on our end on provision of requested information to help you out.

Hi Mudassir,

My source image with DPI 0 is a tiff image.when i try to upload it here am getting message like “Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, pdf)”.

As of now we are using different tool to manipulate this image.But we are planning to use Aspose to handle such scenario if we get work around.

Vijayashree R


You may please zip the file and share with us. If the file size is more than 3 MB then please share that on some FTP server or Dropbox and provide the download link to us. Please also share the used sample code to reproduce the issue on our end as well. (15.1 KB)

I have attached the sample file.As of now we don’t have the sample code in Aspose as we are using different tool to manipulate this image.We are planning to use Aspose to manipulate this image if you provide any way to find the resolution for this image or any logic to rescale the image.


I like to inform that our product team will into your requirements in details and share their findings with us. An issue with ID IMAGINGNET-2682 has been created in our issue tracking system to further investigate in details and resolve the issue. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be automatically notified once the issue will be fixed.


I like to inform that we have investigated issue on our end. I like to inform that DPI of image really almost is 0, this can be seen at file properties. You can use default value 96 for Windows instead of 0 DPI. Please visit this page.