Support for HTML to PDF conversion


We are curious about the extent of the “known issue” of non-support for HTML-to-PDF conversion.

We have prototyped a simple test case that seems to work, so we are wondering if there is limited support that we may yet be able to count on. Can we expect reliable translation by avoiding particular aspects of HTML? Is Aspose backing away from HTML support permanently?

We also wonder what are the plans for the parts of the Java-based PDF libraries labelled “legacy”? Do we expect that these capabilities will be phased out? We are also dependent on conformance to the PDFA standard, and the PdfConformance object is in the “legacy” Java code.

Thank you very much for any clarification.

Hi Khamilton,

Thanks for your interest in our API’s.

First of all please accept our humble apologies for the confusion which have occurred from old documentation contents. Please note that Aspose.Pdf for Java supports HTML to PDF conversion. In new Document Object Model (DOM) of com.aspose.pdf namespace, the conversion from HTML to PDF is supported. For more information, please visit Convert HTML to PDF Format


We also wonder what are the plans for the parts of the Java-based PDF libraries labelled “legacy”? Do we expect that these capabilities will be phased out? We are also dependent on conformance to the PDFA standard, and the PdfConformance object is in the “legacy” Java code.

Legacy part of API is an old approach of creating PDF documents from scratch and this approach is supported by aspose.pdf package. However we have ported most of the features of legacy package in our new Document Object Model of com.aspose.pdf package and this new DOM approach is more powerful than legacy approach because you get the leverage of PDF document creation as well as its manipulation with this single package.

It also offers the feature to convert PDF files to PDF/A format. For more information, please visit Convert PDF to PDF-A format

Should you have any further query, please feel free to contact.