We need to create a Powerpoint file with one slide from Java/JSP. The slide will contain two sentences and one gif file. Does Aspose.Slides support this?
We need to create a Powerpoint file with one slide from Java/JSP. The slide will contain two sentences and one gif file. Does Aspose.Slides support this?
Dear Ron,
You can create sentences in ppt file by adding textframes, please see Working with Text section on Aspose.Slides Wiki.
You can also add image, please see Adding PictureFrame to Slide
Regarding GIFF image, i think, it is not supported in Java version but I will let you know about it after confirmation.
Dear Ron,
Gif image is also supported. Please see this thread
Hi Shakeel,
You refer to thread (<A href="</A>) titled "does aspose support .gif image formats ??", but the source code is actually working with a jpg file ("bunch.jpg"). Do you have an example or white paper that shows that gif's are supported?
Hi Shakeel,
In reading the System Requirments documentation, it sounds like Aspose.Slides only runs on Windows Servers.
Can it run on Linux or Unix servers?
What web application servers does it run on?
What is the minimum version of Java (JDK) that is required?
Dear Ron,
There are two versions for Aspose.Slides .NET and JAVA. Please see the system requirements for JAVA
System Requirements of Aspose.Slides for Java
– Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 1.4 or higher
– JAI and JAI Image I/O
– Batik SVG Toolkit to convert slides in SVG format
I would like little explain it for you.
Aspose.Slides doesn’t support any image by itself.
It uses JAI to read images. So if JAI supports some format then Aspose.Slides also supports it
Aspose.Slides for JAVA can run on any machine on which JAVA can run.