Support handwritten text recognition

Dear support team,
We are evaluating Aspose.OCR for JAVA to analyze check images (within financial institutions in Uruguay).

A check has several elements, some are pre-printed and others are manually added by the drawer in Spanish.

We understand that the Aspose.OCR library could interpret pre-printed texts, but is it capable of interpreting text added manually with a pen on the check?
For example, the amount of the check is written by a human being in numeric format (eg $535.00) and then in text (eg Five hundred and thirty-five).
On the back of the check, text can also be written in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal, etc.).

The library is able to recognize that information written by a human being?

Kind regards,
Álvaro Morales


We are afraid that the feature has not been yet implemented. A ticket as OCRJAVA-276 has been logged in our issue tracking system for further investigation on it. We will let you know as soon as the ticket is resolved. Please be patient and spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.