Support InvertIfNegative per category on the chart

Dear Aspose supporter,

As we know that the Mic.PowerPoint allows users to set the option [Invert if negative] per category on the chart while your library only support it per series via the property InvertIfNegative and InvertedSolidFillColor of the IChartSeries. Do you have any plan to implement this option at category-level ?

Many thanks


I have observed your requirements and like to share that the InvertIfNegative property is for chart data point belonging to chart series. The chart category has got chart data points values for different chart series. Therefore, this property belong to chart series and is in accordance with MSO Chart in PowerPoint. You have to set this value on chart series level for every series inside chart and may not be set for chart category. I hope the shared elaboration will be helpful.

Thanks for quick reply. But let me clarify my requirement one more time. What I mean when talking about the chart category is the chart data points values. As you know, a chart includes multiple series and each series contains data points values. For example, a chart with 2 series and 2 categories looks like as follow:

Category—Series 1----Series 2
Cat 1--------100---------150
Cat 2--------200---------350

In this case, when we set InvertIfNegative to true on Series 1, it will be applied to both data points (Cat 1 and Cat 2). What I need is I just want to set this property to data points of Cat 1 only and leave the Cat 2 free.

In MSO Chart, we could make it easily by select an expected data point (blue circle) as my attached photo and the corresponding Format Data Point panel will appear which brings the option [Invert if negative] up.invertIfNegativeOnDataPoint.JPG (44.2 KB)


Thank you for the elaboration. I have observed the image shared by you and have explored PowerPoint as well in this regard. In PowerPoint the InvertIfNegative property can be set on series level or individual chart series data point level. At present, setting InvertIfNegative property on chart data point level is unavailable in API. An issue with ID SLIDESNET-39932 has been created in our issue tracking system to provide requested support. This thread has been linked with the issue so that you may be notified once the support will be available.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-39932) have been fixed in this update.