Support of BarCodes, Greek Signs in Aspose.OMR for .NET


Please Answer these questions.

  • Do markup support images, barCodes, greek signs ? please share markup language documentation link.

  • if not what is proposed solution, other then

  • what is future of this project ?


Thanks for contacting support.

We have logged an investigation ticket as OMRNET-78 in our issue management system for your inquiries. We will surely share our feedback with you in this regard as soon as the ticket is resolved. Please spare us some time.


We are currently working on adding images to generation and this feature will be included in the next release. We are also planning to add barcodes generation in upcoming releases. If by greek sign you mean greek alphabet, then it is now supported both in image and markup files. If you have any issues with the greek alphabet please let us know.

Generation markup documentation can be found at: Designing machine-readable forms|Documentation
This is Aspose.OMR for cloud article, but the markup is the same as in Aspose.OMR for .NET, the only difference is image and barcode tags, which as I mentioned are in development.

You can also check our examples on GitHub with a small demo that uses markups in TestData folders, generates templates and showcases recognition:

As for the project future, we are planning to improve generation and add more customization features and continue supporting our users.

Approx when barcodes will be integrated ?


Hopefully, the April Release of the API will offer barcodes support as the work is in progress.