SVG images generated from excel chart is not same

While generating same SVG image, from a given excel chart we are seeing some disturbance in the generated SVG vs the source Excel Chart.

Is there a setting or a way to generate the excel chart as it is in source excel sheet chart, without any changes ?

currently i am using Aspose.Cells library to read the excel file and get chart object from it.
After generating the chart, I see lot of difference in the generated SVG vs Source Excel Chart., i have attached the excel sheet with chart as well as the screenshots for easy understanding.

  1. Axis values are changing,
  2. if we apply chart styles whole chart is generating differently,
  3. bubble chart’s bubble size is changing,
  4. shapes inserted in the chart object is moving, etc.

I am using below code to generated the svg from excel chart

LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Xlsx);
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(@“C:\abc.xlsx”, loadOptions);

            // Set image or print options

Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions opts = new Aspose.Cells.Rendering.ImageOrPrintOptions();
opts.SaveFormat = SaveFormat.SVG;
opts.IsOptimized = false;
opts.OutputBlankPageWhenNothingToPrint = false;

            //save to  file
            workbook.Worksheets[0].Charts[0].ToImage(@"C:\XYZ.svg", opts);

image.png (80.5 KB) (76.5 KB)
image.png (80.5 KB)

We reproduced the issue as you mentioned by rendering SVG images from Excel charts (Bubble and TreeMap). We found SVG images generated from Excel charts (Bubble and TreeMap) are not the same. Moreover, we noticed TreeMap chart is rendered better (almost the same) using latest version (Aspose.Cells v23.1) of the APIs but still it is not the same with original TreeMap chart.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): CELLSNET-52636

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