Swapping ole object as shapes in docx

I have a docx file(lets call it main file) with another docx file(lets call it second) embedded into the main file. What I’m trying to do is to take the second file and swap it with another(third) docx file the third docx file should be at the exact same place and size as the “second” file appears in the main file.
here is the code i have:

public void trying(Document document, JSONObject config, Shape shape) throws Exception {
    // Get the OleFormat of the shape
    OleFormat oleFormat = shape.getOleFormat();

    // Check if it's a Word document
    if (oleFormat.getProgId().equals("Word.Document.12")) {
        // Get the raw data of the OleObject
        byte[] oleData = oleFormat.getRawData();

        // Write the data to a file
        File outputFile = new File("/home/gal/Desktop/" + shape.getName() + ".docx");
        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outputFile)) {

        // Now you can process the Word document as needed
        // For example, sanitize the document using the CDR function
        String sanitizedFilePath = "/home/gal/Desktop/second.docx";

        // After sanitizing, you need to create a new shape with the sanitized OLE object
        // First, remove the original shape

        // Then, create a new shape and add it to the document
        Shape newShape = new Shape(document, ShapeType.OLE_OBJECT);

        // Set the OLE data of the new shape

        // Add the new shape to the document

i couldnt find a way to do it in java so i wrote : newShape.getOleFormat().setRawData(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(sanitizedFilePath))); even though i know that there is no such function as setRawData i wrote it like that in order to make it easier to understand what I’m trying to do please help to implement this code.

@Gal10BS You should use DocumentBuilder.insertOleObject method to insert OLE objects into the document. I am afraid there is no way to create OLE object using new Shape(). Please see our documentation to learn how to work with OLE objects using Aspose.Words: