we noticed an exception is thrown, when comparing two document versions and saving the result as PDF. In some scenarios, when we our code is slightly different, it was also thrown without saving as PDF but when calling UpdatePageLayout
. As this method is invoked automatically whhen saving as PDF I think this is the cause of the issue, when saving as PDF, too.
var lic = new License();
var doc = new Document(@"S:\tmp\oldX2.docx");
doc.Compare(new Document(@"S:\tmp\newX2.docx"), "ConSense", DateTime.Now);
Target Framework: .Net 4.5.2
System information
Edition | Windows 10 Business |
Version | 21H2 |
Installiert am | 21.07.2021 |
Betriebssystembuild | 19044.2364 |
Leistung | Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4190.0 |
example files.zip (927.5 KB)
Please let me know if you need any further information.
Thanks for your help,