System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch

var dataToUpload = new List<BsonDocument>();

Workbook book = new Workbook(new MemoryStream(buffer));
Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[sheetName];

ImportTableOptions imp = new ImportTableOptions();
imp.InsertRows = true;
imp.IsFieldNameShown = true;
sheet.Name = sheetName;
sheet.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(dataToUpload, startRow, startColumn, imp);

im getting this issue using this code my input dataToUpload is List<BsonDocument>
e.g {"key","value"}

but its giving me this error below
System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch.

Would you like to provide sample file and a runnable console project? We will check it soon.

var dataToLoadInExcel = new List<BsonDocument>();
foreach (var data in dataList)
    var item = new BsonDocument();
    var source = "firstname";
    var columnName = "firstname";
    var dbColumnName = "firstname";
    var columnValue = "SampleUser1";
    item.Add(dbColumnName, columnValue);

This is how im preparing the data (list of bson document)

Your sample code contains many variables that have not been assigned values. We are unable to use sample code for testing and locating issues. If you could provide a simple and executable console project, it would be very helpful for us to locate the issue.

public async Task<bool> GetExcelWithData(string sheetName, string fileName, int startColumn, int startRow, byte[] buffer)
    var inputData = new List<BsonDocument>();
    inputData.Add(new BsonDocument().Add("smaplecolumn", "samplevalue"));
    // To set the Aspose License.
    await SetAsposeLicense();

    Workbook book = new Workbook(new MemoryStream(buffer));
    Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[sheetName];

    ImportTableOptions imp = new ImportTableOptions();
    imp.InsertRows = true;
    imp.IsFieldNameShown = true;
    sheet.Name = sheetName;
    sheet.Cells.ImportCustomObjects(inputData, startRow, startColumn, imp);

    //var buffer = await _storageManager.Download(fileName, ContainerType.Report);
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    book.Save(ms, SaveFormat.Xlsx);

    fileDomainResponse.Status = ResponseStatus.Success;
    fileDomainResponse.Content = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
    fileDomainResponse.FileName = fileName;

    return true;

When calling a method, the parameters passed into the GetExcelWithData method are still unknown. Would you like to provide a runnable program that includes all variables with assigned values? We will check it soon.

I got this problem solved, as you told i was putting wrong information in the method.


It is nice to know that your issue is resolved. Please feel free to write us back if you have further queries or comments, we will be happy to assist you soon.

I have aspose.words Table
And in my Document i have placeholder %%Table%%
I want to replace %%Table%% with my aspose.words table how can i ?

Thank you for your interest in Aspose.Cells and Words products. I am moving your post to the Aspose.Words Product Family forum for our support staff to help with any technical or functionality related questions you may have.

@Amrinder_Singh You can use IReplacingCallback to achieve this.

ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)
    Document doc = (Document)e.MatchNode.Document;

    Node currentNode = e.MatchNode;
    if (e.MatchOffset > 0)
        currentNode = SplitRun((Run)currentNode, e.MatchOffset);

    var builder = new DocumentBuilder(templateDocument);


    currentNode.ParentNode.InsertAfter(WordsTable, currentNode);
    return ReplaceAction.Skip;

private static Run SplitRun(Run run, int position)
    Run afterRun = (Run)run.Clone(true);
    run.ParentNode.InsertAfter(afterRun, run);
    afterRun.Text = run.Text.Substring(position);
    run.Text = run.Text.Substring((0), (0) + (position));
    return afterRun;

Getting this error - Cannot insert a node of this type at this location

@Amrinder_Singh Please try modifying your code like this:

ReplaceAction IReplacingCallback.Replacing(ReplacingArgs e)
    Document doc = (Document)e.MatchNode.Document;

    Node currentNode = e.MatchNode;
    if (e.MatchOffset > 0)
        currentNode = SplitRun((Run)currentNode, e.MatchOffset);

    DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(templateDocument);

    builder.CurrentParagraph.ParentNode.InsertBefore(WordsTable, builder.CurrentParagraph);
    return ReplaceAction.Skip;

If the problem still persist, please attach your template and provide full code that will allow us to reproduce the problem on our side.