Table Bug?


I have a simple word document which contains a table containing a merge field, some text and another table with a merge field.

Using 1.6.1 and previous whenever I merge this the first table gets pushed up to the top of the document from somewhere near the bottom of the first page.

Has anyone else seen this behaviour before in documents containing multiple tables?

Hi ross,

Please email the original document to and we will fix the problem.

Hi ross,

The table that jumps up has Text Wrapping set to Around and also some Table Positioning specified.

It seems these attributes are poorly document in the Word file format and Aspose.Word does not handle them yet. I will add support for these table formatting options to our task list.

The easiest workaround is for you to change the table to set Text Wrapping to None like in the other table in the document. I will send you the updated document that works correctly. Let me know if that solves the issues.

That does indeed fix the problem. Thank you very much - you’re a star :slight_smile: