Table cell width is not maintaing when converting word to pdf

I am preparing a Word document with HTML and later I am converting that Word document to PDF. The Word document looks very good where the table cell takes exactly the width it requires for the content within it.
But when converting the same word to pdf the pdf is not looking similar where table cells are taking more width than the content.
I am attaching both a Word file and a Converted PDF. (66.1 KB)

Issue 1. In the second table, all the vertical columns take more width than the used Word document.
issue 2. In the third table, the vertical space between the two tables is lost.

@SachinSingh As I can see you are using quite old 21.3 version of Aspose.Words. The problem is not reproducible using the latest 23.9 version. Please see the PDF document produced by the following code using the latest version of Aspose.Words on my side:

Document doc = new Document(@"C:\Temp\in.doc");

out.pdf (61.6 KB)