Table height shrunk when saving from .dot to .pdf

Using Aspose.Words 9.5.0


I must reproduce a document that follows the very strict formatting standards requirements of the government. To do so, I created a document template in word tables and use mail merge to fill in the values. Then, I save the whole thing to PDF…

The problem I encounter is that when saving to PDF, the total document’s height is shrunk. Instead of filling the whole page like it does in the word template, it only fills the about 80%.

Attached is a “non mail-merge” .dot template and the saved DOC and PDF versions. You’ll see that only the PDF version is shrunk…

This is a very big problem for us as this means we cannot be accredited by the government to produce those documents…

This may or may not be linked to the other height problem I reported in July. This one happens in both Windows 7 and Windows 2008 (64 bits).

Code used:
public static void TestAsposeWords10()
Aspose.Words.License license = new Aspose.Words.License();

Aspose.Words.Document doc = new Aspose.Words.Document(@“C:\dev\QuickTests\AsposeTests\App_data\”);

string asmVersion = typeof(Aspose.Words.Document).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
doc.Save(“c:\temp\Aspose\asposeWords10-v” + asmVersion + “.doc”);
doc.Save(“c:\temp\Aspose\asposeWords10-v” + asmVersion + “.pdf”, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Pdf);

Can you please provide any help, insight or ETA on the bug fix?



Dear Dominic,

Thank you for your inquiry.

This problem occurs due to word document (.dot, .doc, .dotx, .docx) is flow format document and does not contain information how its content is laid out exactly. What is why content layout can be differed upon rendering.
Our development team is aware of that problem and work to eliminate it. I have linked your request to related tracking record. We will keep you informed regarding the issue resolving.

In the meanwhile I would suggest you as temporary solution to insert a page break before the third table on the second page of your template. This will specifically render the next content on the next page.


I forgot the add the required TTF font files so you can see the proper layout. They are attached to this message. You’ll see that it all fits exactly on one page… sorry.

Please also pass along to the dev team that the complete requirements of the government also require a perfect alignment between the front and back side (not included in my test) of the page. This put even more stress on the exact match between the word version I created and the PDF rendering.



Dear Dominic,

Thank you for additional information.

Actually reported by you issue is equally reproducible with attached font and without it.

Could you please demonstrate by example the problem with alignment between the front and back side? We should check this problem and in case it exists delegate it to dev team to fix.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as WORDSNET-4246) have been fixed in this .NET update and this Java update.

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