Table row does not retain the properties when you clone table row using table.addrow()


When I add using table.addRow() i am not getting the border associated with the previous table row nor am i able to set the border for that. any suggestions? i have attached the slide.



the table is already present in an existing presentation

Dear prashanth,

It the table present in your attached ppt the original table or modified by Aspose.Slides?

Table.AddRow method actually clones the last row and add it at after the current last row.

Currently, you cannot set the border of the table once it is created. This functionality will soon be added.

that was the original ppt template which is read and the table is modified by using table.addRow() by using aspose. you can see in this modified template that when you use addRow the table row border is screwed up. any thoughts?



Dear prashanth,

I have reported this bug and it will be fixed as soon as possible.

Dear Prashanth,

Please try the new fixed version of Aspose.Slides for .NET from this link