Table Shrink

I am facing a perculiar problem while using your Aspose.Word.I am using your Aspose.word version .The problem is the table get shrinked ,while rendering .I have attached the file of TableShrinkdoc.doc (this shows u the problem i am facing) and for this i am also sending the code for it .I have used TableTemplate_0.doc as template inside it there is a table,inside a table i have used a Mergefield for this i am wrinting the content.
The code is as follows

Dim dstStream As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
Dim answerBlankdoc As New Aspose.Words.Document("c:\dummy\TableTemplate_0.doc")
Dim content As String
Dim strB As New StringBuilder
strB.Append(" <table width='100%' height='50%'><tr bgcolor='#ff0066'><td>pavan</td></tr><tr bgcolor=#000066><td>kumar</td></tr></table>") 
content = strB.ToString
Dim ObjBuilder As New Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder(answerBlankdoc)
answerBlankdoc.Save(dstStream, Aspose.Words.SaveFormat.Doc)
Response.ContentType = "application/msword"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=""1.doc")

I had previously reported this problem to u but could not get a possible solution from ur side.
Hope to get the solution from your side as early as possible.
Thanking you

It seems that we don’t support relative heights in HTML tables yet. I have logged this problem to our defect base as issue #1473. We will try to implement this functionality in one of the next releases.
Best regards,

Could u pls let me now whether this problem of table shrinking in word has been solved or not,as we are having a release of our product by this month end.Could u please let me know about it.
Thanks in Advance.
Pavan kumar

Sorry, relative height in HTML Import has not been implemented yet. I am afraid we won’t be able to do it soon, but I will try to quicken the things for you.

Thanks for ur previous reply may i know any prgress as been made regarding this issue i am posted.
Thanks in Advance
Pavan Kumar

Hi Pavan,
Sorry, the defect is still open. I will try to hasten the process.

Could you please let me know whether my problem of table shrinking in Word Document at the time of rendering as been solved or not. I need to fix this problem in our application at any cost by the end of the next week, as we are a planning the release at end of this month. So expecting a positive reply from your side as early as possible.
Thanking you
Pavan Kumar

I am really sorry that you have been waiting for the fix fo such a long time. I have notified our developer team of this and have asked them once again to accelerate it.
Best regards,

I Would like to know when exactly my problem of the above post would be solved .I am waiting months together for this fix.
Thanks in Advance
Pavan Kumar T.N.

Same here, we will try our best to have it included into the next hotfix. Sorry for inconvenience.

I would like to know whether my problem of table shrink in Word Document as been solved or not.You had informed me that it would be fixed in the next hotfix.I would like to know the status of my problem.
Thanking You
Pavan Kumar

Unfortunately, this issue is still open. This issue has a highest priority in out defect base.
Best regards.

I reviewed the case.
Sorry to say, but we are not going to fix it soon. The general case to support relative table height will be too complex, it will require quite a lot of effort in development, but we are busy on some other features at the moment.
The problem with relative table height is that in MS Word documents it is not directly supported. Aspose.Words will have to calculate the actual value when important and Aspose.Words will not have enough info to do that most of the time.
If you import a table that is 50% height of the outer table - Aspose.Words cannot do anything because it does not know the height of the outer table and so on.

What about the status of this table shrik problem,it has been a quite long period i am waiting for this fix.Do hope for a postive reply from your side.
Thanking You
Pavan Kumar

Unfortunately, this issue is unresolved. The notification will be posted here in this thread as soon as it is done. But I think that this issue will be resolved not very soon.
Best regards.