Tables not displayed properly when rendered as HTML (svg is better)

Dear Aspose.
When printing file table from Excel sheet with collapsed rows and columns results differ based on HTML or SVG output when HTML contains errors. Please see the attached picture and example file. Tested on Linux with SkiaSharp2.88.3 and Aspose.Cells22.10.1 and Aspose.Cells22.11.0 - still same error.

Bug-132273-AsposeIssueWithColumns.png (90.6 KB)
Bug-132273-AsposeIssueWithColumns-Discrepancy.png (95.8 KB) (466.9 KB)

We have found your mentioned issue and log it with issue id CELLSNET-52368.

We have fixed the issue of Sold Fill of H6 ,H9 …
But CSS does not contains Pattern Fill set, we need more time to look into how to display pattern fill of the range E16:F18.

Please try 22.12.
But the pattern fill is still not supported.

Please try 23.4(Download)
Your issue should be fixed now.