Take Input from a User for the Download Location Once We Generate the PPT at Backend

Hi Support,

Is there a provision to take input from a user for the download location once we generate the PPT at backend. We are going to integrate it with Angular. We would like to share at frontend once the PPT is ready and open a popup to select the download location.

Thank you for contacting support.

It looks like the question is not directly related to the Aspose.Slides API. Unfortunately, I cannot answer the question. Please let us know if you have any problems using Aspose.Slides or need new features for manipulating PowerPoint presentations, then we will do our best to help you.

I think you misunderstood the question. Our requirement is something similar to this.

Can you please assist us on this. Once the ppt is ready at backend we would like to share it to frontend and open a popup asking download location to the user.

Thank you for the details. I am working on the issue and will get back to you soon.

It looks like you need to save PowerPoint presentations to streams. Could you please confirm?

Hi @andrey.potapov,
Let me eleborate our requirement. So we have a download functionality at frontend that is in angular.
image.png (1.4 KB)
On click of that we will send a request to backend that is in nodejs to create a ppt using Aspose library. Once the ppt is ready we do not want to save it like this.
image.png (2.8 KB)

Instead we would like to open a pop up at frontend on browser where user can select the location where they would like to save the ppt file.
image.png (30.2 KB)

Thank you for the details. I will get back to you soon.

Unfortunately, I see that the problem is not related to Aspose.Slides for Node.js. You should find a solution within the technology stack in which your service operates. We apologize for any inconvenience.