I am experiencing a performance problem when I include duration and date on tasks.
I have the project with about three thousand tasks, and when I include the duration and the date in the tasks, the process greatly increases the total time of the execution of the process.
In the task.Set method (Tsk.Duration, value);
is a the first point that increases the execution time.
In the task.Set method (Tsk.Start, value);
is a second point that increases the execution time.
In a project with about three thousand tasks the process took 1 hour and 2 minutes to finish.
But when I run without assigning duration and without the date it takes 23 seconds to generate the file.
That is, it increases the process time from 23 seconds to 1 hour and 2 minutes when I use both methods:
task.Set (Tsk.Duration, value);
task.Set (Tsk.Start, value);
How can I improve this time by assigning duration and date?
Follow the image print-performance.png to further explain the code snippet.
print-desempenho.png (134.7 KB)
Follow the code:
private void setStartFinishValue(Task task, DateTime start, DateTime finish, double duration, Project AsposeData)
if (start != null && start > DateTime.MinValue)
setDateValue(task, Tsk.Start, PrjAsposeUtils.StartTime(start));
if (duration >= 0)
task.Set(Tsk.Duration, AsposeData.GetDuration(duration, TimeUnitType.Day));
if (task.Get(Tsk.IsManual))
if (start != null && start > DateTime.MinValue)
setDateValue(task, Tsk.ManualStart, task.Get(Tsk.Start));
if (duration >= 0)
task.Set(Tsk.ManualDuration, task.Get(Tsk.Duration));
private void setDateValue(Task task, Key<DateTime, TaskKey> key, DateTime value)
if (value != null && value > DateTime.MinValue)
task.Set(key, value);
task.Set(key, task.ParentProject.Get(AsposeProject.Prj.StartDate));