the latest Tasks dll (8.1) does not seem to be signed. the previous version i used (7.3) was signed.
Is there a reason this dll is no longer being signed? Is a signed version available? Will it be signed in the future?
Hi Chris,
Thank you for contacting Aspose support team.
If we view the properties of the DLL file in windows explorer, we can see that both the DLLs are digitally signed. Please check the digital signatures at your end and share the feedback with us. Sample snapshot is attached here for your reference.
every time i post a question you people claim that something is wrong on my end and i am sick of it. the ‘Properties’ viewer doesn’t give you an accurate picture of the library. you need to use the strong name tool (sn.exe) that comes with Visual Studio.
here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
Hi Chris,
Thank you for sharing the additional information.
The DLL is signed but it seems that after porting to the revamped version, it got some problem with not being strongly named assembly. We have noticed the issue and have discussed with our product team about it. We’ll share the feedback with you once information is available in this regard.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as TASKS-33936) have been fixed in this update.
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