we are currently evaluating the Aspose.Pdf-Product for our company. Especially the TeX to Pdf-Conversion feature is very interesting, but with our first tex-document we directly have quite some problems.
We think, that aspose doesn’t include the packages. We are using some packages installed on the system in our tex-file:
\renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} %% Only if the base font of the document is to be sans serif
We are able to convert a tex-document to pdf with pdflatex without any problems. We made a simple Unit-test to try the conversion with aspose:
Public Sub LatexToPdf(latex As String, output As String)
Dim latexOptions = New LatexLoadOptions
Dim doc = new Document(latex, latexOptions)
End Sub
How does Aspose know, where to find the packages? How do I tell aspose where to find packages? Do i Have to put them next to the executable?
Or do I have to use the api in some other way?
Thanks for the help.
Hi Manuel,
Thanks for your reply.
\footnotesize Sitz der Gesellschaft & \footnotesize Handelsregister & \footnotesize Bankverbindung & \footnotesize Geschäftsführer \\
Max Mustermann \\
Weststraße. 1 \\
12121 Köln\\
\opening{Sehr geehrter Herr Mustermann}}
{\closing{Kennen Sie das Kundenportal?
Mit freundlichen Gr\"u\ss{}en\medskip\par{}Ihr Kundenservice}\end{letter}}
\betreff{Ihr Vertrag: }
Ueberschrift - neu - neuer
vielen Dank für Ihre Mitteilung.
Hi Manuel,
Hello Asad,
do you have any further information about the problem?
Hello Christian,
Hello Asad,
it’s been over a month now. Is there any progress?
Hello Christian,
Hello Asad,
another 5 month passed. Are there any new information?
Thanks for your inquiry.
I am afraid that earlier logged issue has not been yet resolved due to large number of pending issues in the queue. However we have recorded your concerns and shared them with the respective team. As soon as we get some feedback from their side, we will let you know. Please spare us little time.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Is there any progress about convert a TEX file into PDF which uses additional packages?
Regretfully, the ticket is not yet resolved. We tested the scenario with 20.12v of the API and noticed that the Exception thrown by the API is now changed. The information of the earlier logged ticket has been updated accordingly. Also, we have updated the ticket priority to the next level. We will surely inform you as soon as we have some certain news regarding its fix. We highly appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Hello Asad,
Do you have any news on this topic?
We are afraid that the earlier logged ticket is still pending for resolution. We have however recorded your concerns and will surely inform you in this forum thread as soon as the issue is resolved.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
The issues you have found earlier (filed as PDFNET-42497) have been fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 23.6.