Text and Formulas Get Misplaced during Slides Conversion to PDF in C#

Slide caption is misplaced and embedded formula disappears during conversion from pptx to pdf. Please see the attached pictures.
Slides version 1
image.png (164.0 KB)
Pdf version1
image.png (125.0 KB)
Slides version 2
image.png (193.8 KB)

Pdf version 2
image.png (118.3 KB)

Attached are the original pptx and converted files:
Slides To Pdf Conversion problem.zip (417.9 KB)

This is the way we run the conversion in the code:

using (var stream = new MemoryStream(source))
using (MemoryStream outStream = new MemoryStream())
using (Presentation presentation = new Presentation(stream))

    if (removeMetaData)
        // Remove all built-in and Custom Properties
        var properties = presentation.DocumentProperties;
        properties.ClearBuiltInProperties(); //?

    presentation.Save(outStream, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf);
    return outStream.ToArray();

This is the environment info:
OS: Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard
.Net version is 4.8

Thanks for your help.

Thank you for describing the issue. It looks like you are not using the latest version of Aspose.Slides. Could you please test your result using the latest version and share your output PDF file?


Thank you for your response.
I tried to use the latest version.
Seems like it solved the problem with missing formula however the red header on the first page just disappeared.
The pdf file is attached.
short_version3.pdf (209.6 KB)

Thank you for the additional information. We will reply to you soon.

I’ve reproduced the problem with disappearing the text when converting the presentation to PDF and added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43390 to our issue tracking system. We apologize for any inconvenience. Our development team will investigate the case. You will be notified when the issue is resolved.

I have also found some problems with space reduction between some text items in the formulas and added a ticket with ID SLIDESNET-43389. Our developers will also work on this issue.

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for using Aspose.Slides.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as SLIDESNET-43390) have been fixed in Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.9 (ZIP, MSI).
You can check all fixes on the Release Notes page.
You can also find the latest version of our library on the Product Download page.